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I took a short break from weeding to take pictures of the sunflowers. Karl plants them every year to attract beneficial insects, I think it works! Continue reading
It was the perfect weather for plowing today. The lower end of the field has dried out and getting opened up now will help it to warm up faster (even if it is only to melt the snow). This is one of our more dramatic barn cats, Mini-Me. This part… Continue reading
Today was woodpecker day in the front garden. We use dead logs to mark the edges of the “flower beds” – it has a certain rustic charm, helps us use up the deadfalls, and creates hiding places for the bugs and grubs – a food source for woodpeckers. The male… Continue reading
This is the first year we have had bluebirds as year-round residents. Eastern Bluebirds are very helpful on the farm as they are predominantly bug eaters, but they do also eat fruits. We do not set out bird feeders, but we deliberately plant and cultivate fruiting trees and plants. The… Continue reading
I just read an article entitled “6 Things to Know About the EPA’s New Pesticide Rules” and it was informative, but it missed out one thing I think you all should know about the new pesticide rules. The first six were: 1. The New Rules Will Protect Young People.2. Farms… Continue reading
This wasn’t quite what I expected when I complained that I couldn’t get all three turtles in one picture, but I don’t think they minded too much. I think they were happy to be under the mulberry tree and away from the mower. On the way back in we noticed something… Continue reading
Can you spot the skink? I don’t think I have ever seen quite such a colourful one before. His red throat should make him very popular with the ladies! Continue reading
We are planting onions today, lots and lots of onions. We ordered 3600 plants this year, but we didn’t count to make sure they were all there! Most are a little smaller than a pencil.Karl and Dan got half of them planted today, the rest will go in tomorrow. It… Continue reading
Met this wood frog while I was weeding the mizuna – good to know he is out there guarding the veggies for us. Continue reading