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We transplanted the first of our spring crops today – Fava Beans! Continue reading
It’s all hands on deck today as the first frost of the season approaches. The weather forecast is calling for a low of 24 tonight and that means death to so many tender vegetables. We’ve harvested everything we possibly can of the vegetables that would otherwise be killed – tomatoes,… Continue reading
Recently I was shown an advertisement for a shopping service that included a statement that at first amused me but when I thought about it some more I became quite annoyed. The statement was “eat like a farmer” with the implication that this overly packaged and sanitized food product was as… Continue reading
I love beets. Absolutely love them. I get excited when I know I am going to have beets on my plate. The one thing I used to hate was cooking beets. I’m probably the last person on earth to find out about the Instant Pot electric pressure cooker, but it… Continue reading
I think the pictures speak for themselves, but yesterday we checked the radicchio and they were looking very good. We planned to harvest them today. During the night deer executed a cunning raid and beat us to it. We cover the plants with row covers for protection from the cold,… Continue reading
This heat might spell the end for the snow peas, so if you had a recipe you were thinking of making, but hadn’t got around to yet, these might just be the peas to use. Last night’s rain has smooshed a lot of the blossoms on the peas – on… Continue reading
Our planting list for Spring 2014 is: arugula, beets, butternut squash, cabbage (red and green), carrots, slicing cucumbers, d’avignon radishes, daikon, eggplant (Asian and Italian), Florence fennel, French sorrel, garlic, green beans, green meat radish, green onions, hon tsai tai, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce (various types), mesclun mix, mizuna, napa cabbage,… Continue reading
Do you like your Jalapeños pickled so you can savour them, or do you make a batch of poppers and devour them all in one go? We eat a lot of pickled Jalapeños, but I will confess they are mostly store bought. Sometimes if I am too lazy to make poppers I… Continue reading
It’s wordless Wednesday, but the people over at National Kale Day have so many ideas and recipes and a mission to celebrate “kale’s incredible health benefits, highlights kale’s culinary versatility, and promotes eating, growing and sharing kale throughout America.” If you need help celebrating this wonderful vegetable, why not hop on… Continue reading
Honey bees do not stay still for very long! Continue reading