On the Second Day of Christmas

They being turkeys and that being flying! I will admit I had no idea. We have chickens and although they can “fly” they can’t really FLY. Our hens can run fast and that is their first thought when panicked. If they run fast enough and far enough they lift their… Continue reading
We transplanted the first of our spring crops today – Fava Beans! Continue reading
Our rooster “Owl” or “Owlie” looked so good in the sunshine today that I had to take a picture, I called him hoping he would turn and pose like he usually does but instead this happened and I will be quoting Edward Lear for the rest of the day. Continue reading
It’s that time of year again. The weather turns cold and root vegetables take over the kitchen. Yesterday I had sliced green tomato on my veggie burger instead of a nice red tomato because I had forgotten you have to buy those things if you want them after the summer… Continue reading
Today a flock of wild turkeys paid us a visit. Continue reading
I took a short break from weeding to take pictures of the sunflowers. Karl plants them every year to attract beneficial insects, I think it works! Continue reading
I learned about corduroy roads when we researched Karl’s family tree and found out his great-great-grandfather, Lorenzo Dow Hill (Co. I, 25th Ohio Volunteer Infantry), was injured in the Civil War. His second injury was when a Minié ball struck him on the first day of fighting at Gettysburg. He… Continue reading
We only have cold resistant starts in the greenhouse at this time of year, but even they prefer not to experience an arctic blast. We cover the trays inside, fill tubs with hot water and place those on the floor under the trays, then add polythene curtains to reduce the… Continue reading