
Eating shouldn’t be complicated and it isn’t, we bite, we chew, and we swallow. It’s the things that come before eating that get complicated. The most complicated thing is choosing our food. We are lucky to have so many choices, but those choices often become confusing. Is this healthy? Where did it come from? Is it fresh? Who made it? Are they a good company? Am I currently boycotting them? What is in this? Is it GMO? Is it certified organic? Does that mean no spray? What does no spray mean? Is it OP? Are heirlooms better? Do they pay a living wage? How much waste is in the food chain? How many food miles? Does this add to greenhouse gasses? Other pollution? How would I even know? They do what?

When you know your farmer much of that confusion is cleared and if you do have questions you know who to ask.

  • Each week, our supporters receive a variety of vegetables and herbs grown on our farm with no pesticides and no herbicides.
  • We are not certified organic.
  • We do not grow GMO or GEO crops.
  • We have no employees.
  • We do not use unpaid interns.
  • We work hard to minimize food waste.
  • I hope you aren’t boycotting us, but if you are, please let us know about it – maybe we can find common ground.
  • Most vegetables are harvested on the day you receive them for optimal freshness and great taste.
  • Our farm is less than 20 miles from Washington, DC. All of our deliveries are within 35 miles of our farm.
  • We grow a wide variety of vegetables but if you don’t see your favorites and subscribe early enough we will consider adding them to our planting plans.


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