2013 is our 10th year running our CSA. We started off very small with Karl still working off the farm, but in 2006 we went full time and haven’t looked back.

2013 shares are available now. If you sign up before January 1st we are guaranteeing you last year’s prices. After January 1st we may raise the price as we do not yet know what our seed, nutrient and gas costs will be for next year.

Even though the 2012 season is officially over there is still plenty of work to keep our fingers cold on these frosty mornings. We have garlic to plant, asparagus beds to prepare (these will not be producing for a year or two), and chicks to brood. We want to add more shelving to the packing shed – the lovely packing shed – I cannot believe how many years we worked in a tent! We want to extend the herb bed and add more varieties. We want to add an experimental aquaculture set up to grow leaf lettuce and salad mix in a more controlled environment than the scorching hot field. More bees – we absolutely must have more bees!

Some of our wants are contingent upon early CSA sales. When you sign up early we get a better idea of how many people we are growing for and what our budget will be for the year. Later sales are still nice (gotta pay the mortgage)- but the grand plans are absolutely tied to the early sales.

If you would like to help support a small, family farm in return for a share of the harvest, please visit our ordering page to see our prices and share options.

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