Sign Up for your 2025 Shares Now!
Pesticide Free. No GMO's. Less than 20 miles from Washington, DC. Pick up or Delivery. Full shares and half shares.
We deliver to individual houses and apartment buildings and office buildings all over Washington DC. We also deliver to suburban Maryland with some restrictions: all of our deliveries are within the Washington Beltway OR along the 210 corridor. Deliveries are door-to-door for houses and door-to-desk or door-to-reception for condos and… Continue reading
All of our vehicle problems this week have made me nostalgic. We began delivering our shares in 2006 in my ’86 Ford Escort GT. It left me stranded once – on the beltway in a tropical storm. I still have the car, but I haven’t driven it in years, maybe… Continue reading
There was an opinion piece in the New York Times this week entitled Don’t Let Your Children Grow Up to Be Farmers that I’m sure you have all seen. If it hasn’t been shared with you dozens of times via Facebook, twitter and email, it must be that you are… Continue reading
Our planting list for Spring 2014 is: arugula, beets, butternut squash, cabbage (red and green), carrots, slicing cucumbers, d’avignon radishes, daikon, eggplant (Asian and Italian), Florence fennel, French sorrel, garlic, green beans, green meat radish, green onions, hon tsai tai, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce (various types), mesclun mix, mizuna, napa cabbage,… Continue reading
One of my favourite tasks on the farm is candling and sorting the eggs. When I hold the bright light up against the eggs they glow like old fashioned Christmas lights. With the green eggs I can see the yellow of the yolk through the shell, on others it shows… Continue reading
Yes, it’s potato planting time again! As cold and wet as it has been, the weather is perfect just now for getting the spuds in – the soil is moist but workable, and cold but warming up. We have a few warm days forecast and then rain – if you… Continue reading
2013 is our 10th year running our CSA. We started off very small with Karl still working off the farm, but in 2006 we went full time and haven’t looked back. 2013 shares are available now. If you sign up before January 1st we are guaranteeing you last year’s prices. After… Continue reading
I am supposed to be drawing up the final delivery routes. I promised Karl I would have them finished today, but I am going cross-eyed (and the new specs really don’t help, I am better off not wearing them at all). I am a bit of a tech geek but… Continue reading
That’s right. The 2011 spring/summer share season (try saying that three times quickly) begins on Tuesday. If you are a subscriber for this season and have not received an email from me this week, please check your spam filters and spam folders. If you still do not see mail from… Continue reading
We are planting onions today, lots and lots of onions. We ordered 3600 plants this year, but we didn’t count to make sure they were all there! Most are a little smaller than a pencil.Karl and Dan got half of them planted today, the rest will go in tomorrow. It… Continue reading