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The more they eat, the less they rattle! ha ha Each week the cows (and bulls) wait impatiently by the fence to see which vegetables we have harvested. From nearest to furthest is Velvet, Royal, Achilles, Kizzie and Tessie. Spent bean plants are a hit with everyone from the youngest… Continue reading
Today Tessie decided to give birth in the rain and mud and as far away from the barn Karl built for her as she could possibly get. Labor was as quick as Velvet’s last week – less than thirty minutes from waters breaking to calf on the ground. We bought… Continue reading
Tractor broke down today! Needs a new clutch and a couple of seals, all of which need to be ordered. While I am waiting for those I get to help Karl build the new barn – he hopes to have it finished before the calves arrive. Yes, we are officially… Continue reading
Love the Post for supporting local farmers. Does anyone know if this made it into the print version? Continue reading
Great excitement at the farm today – the faucet and water hose unfroze and we were able to fill the water trough for the cows. Goodbye 5 gallon buckets, goodbye aching shoulders, goodbye, goodbye. Cows drink a lot. On a normal (ie. above freezing) day we stick the hose in… Continue reading
The beasts are home, Velvet is happy and making lots of noise to let us know how happy she is. Today’s to do list is simple – electrify those fences. Continue reading
Royal (bull) and Tessie (cow) are missing. We have been looking for more than 2 hours and can’t find any sign of them. It is too foggy to do a full search. Velvet is bellowing loudly – she hates to be alone. Hopefully they will be back safe and sound… Continue reading
Waiting for things to warm up a bit before finishing the harvest – the greens are still frozen solid. Continue reading
Nothing livens up a sleepy Saturday quite like seeing a cow run past your window! Continue reading