Needing Inspiration?

Today’s newsletter recipes were taken from this wonderful book and I recommend it to all CSA supporters and farmer’s market patrons. There are wonderful hints and tips about preparing and preserving all sorts of vegetables as well as short bios about various farms around the country. I wish I could… Continue reading

Not everyone hates the dust!

While Karl and I moan about the crunchy grass and never-ending heat, Royal has found a great new way to entertain himself. While bulls do paw at the ground as a sign of aggression, that isn’t what he is doing here. He likes to decorate himself with greenery when the… Continue reading

Introducing Achilles and Kizzie

Today Tessie decided to give birth in the rain and mud and as far away from the barn Karl built for her as she could possibly get. Labor was as quick as Velvet’s last week – less than thirty minutes from waters breaking to calf on the ground. We bought… Continue reading

Washington Post

Love the Post for supporting local farmers. Does anyone know if this made it into the print version? Continue reading

The Great Thaw

Great excitement at the farm today – the faucet and water hose unfroze and we were able to fill the water trough for the cows. Goodbye 5 gallon buckets, goodbye aching shoulders, goodbye, goodbye. Cows drink a lot. On a normal (ie. above freezing) day we stick the hose in… Continue reading

The Great Escape

Royal (bull) and Tessie (cow) are missing. We have been looking for more than 2 hours and can’t find any sign of them. It is too foggy to do a full search. Velvet is bellowing loudly – she hates to be alone. Hopefully they will be back safe and sound… Continue reading