On the Second Day of Christmas

We transplanted the first of our spring crops today – Fava Beans! Continue reading
I learned about corduroy roads when we researched Karl’s family tree and found out his great-great-grandfather, Lorenzo Dow Hill (Co. I, 25th Ohio Volunteer Infantry), was injured in the Civil War. His second injury was when a Minié ball struck him on the first day of fighting at Gettysburg. He… Continue reading
We are loving our new potato hiller. The previously back-breaking work of covering the potatoes by hand can now be done with a pass of the tractor. We will use the hiller again a couple of times during the growing season because more hilling up of the plants means more… Continue reading
1. Join our CSA! When you join a Community Supported Agriculture program such as ours, the money you spend on food goes directly to supporting our farm. There are no middle men taking a cut. 2. Recruit a new CSA supporter. Word of mouth is the most effective advertising for… Continue reading
You’ve probably read about the massive fresh vegetable recall that seems to be growing faster than okra on a sunny day. If you haven’t read about it you probably should, the list of stores who sold the recalled vegetable is short: Walmart, Trader Joe’s, Aldi, Safeway, Albertson’s, Pak’N Save, Vons,… Continue reading
I am ridiculously excited about our new share boxes, particularly the half shares! The Half share boxes are much taller than the old ones and don’t have the big holes in the bottom and they are lovely colours. Continue reading
I love newly prepped rows. It’s like a blank canvas to an artist. I could plant anything in these rows, just as the artist could paint anything on the canvas. In reality, these particular rows have been planned out for months, but it’s fun to dream. What would you plant? Continue reading
I just read a great article from the Cornucopia Institute entitled How to Choose a Farm Share, but I would have used How to Tell if a CSA is a CSA. The article isn’t about whether or not supporting a CSA would be a good fit for you, it assumes… Continue reading