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Yes, it’s potato planting time again! As cold and wet as it has been, the weather is perfect just now for getting the spuds in – the soil is moist but workable, and cold but warming up. We have a few warm days forecast and then rain – if you… Continue reading
We are planting onions today, lots and lots of onions. We ordered 3600 plants this year, but we didn’t count to make sure they were all there! Most are a little smaller than a pencil.Karl and Dan got half of them planted today, the rest will go in tomorrow. It… Continue reading
Today’s newsletter recipes were taken from this wonderful book and I recommend it to all CSA supporters and farmer’s market patrons. There are wonderful hints and tips about preparing and preserving all sorts of vegetables as well as short bios about various farms around the country. I wish I could… Continue reading
The more they eat, the less they rattle! ha ha Each week the cows (and bulls) wait impatiently by the fence to see which vegetables we have harvested. From nearest to furthest is Velvet, Royal, Achilles, Kizzie and Tessie. Spent bean plants are a hit with everyone from the youngest… Continue reading
Forked radish are considered to be a sign of fertility and good luck. Somebody is going to get lucky today! Continue reading