Royal and the Big Hay Bale

We bought some huge round hay bales last week but the cows haven’t been very interested in eating them. People say you can feed cows a low quality hay, but ours are a little picky. We supplement with fresh vegetables from the farm and alfalfa and all sorts of treats,… Continue reading

2011 CSA Season Opener!

That’s right. The 2011 spring/summer share season (try saying that three times quickly) begins on Tuesday. If you are a subscriber for this season and have not received an email from me this week, please check your spam filters and spam folders. If you still do not see mail from… Continue reading

The Rainmaker

Every time I set foot outside today, it rains. Well, perhaps that is an exaggeration – it did hail once and there was that thunderstorm. It is sunny again now (and thundering), but the drill needs recharging. Not the seed drill, though I can see why you might think that. This particular… Continue reading

Finished Greenhouse

The greenhouse has been just about finished for a while now and is already home to some lovely cabbage and onion seedlings. There are a few more things to do – install more shelving, paint the inside walls, fix the spot where the rain comes in if the wind is… Continue reading

Soil Test Results

My inner nerd loves to pore over the soil test results. Most farms do not test every year, but we like to keep a very close eye on things. Yearly soil tests mean we never guess at how much lime to apply or exactly which nutrients are needed. Our fertilizer… Continue reading

Greenhouse Progress

It is starting to look like a greenhouse. We are using old storm windows that we found on Craigslist. Hopefully it will be warm enough tomorrow to get the frames painted. We still need a few more windows, but will block in the spaces with plywood for now. We have… Continue reading

Seeds Ordered Early This Year.

I decided to order our seed potatoes today. I don’t usually order this early, but something told me today was the day. In retrospect the day should have been about three weeks ago! Our usual potato supplier – Ronnigers – merged with another farm and is offering fewer varieties than… Continue reading