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Pesticide Free. No GMO's. Less than 20 miles from Washington, DC. Pick up or Delivery. Full shares and half shares.
Yes, it’s potato planting time again! As cold and wet as it has been, the weather is perfect just now for getting the spuds in – the soil is moist but workable, and cold but warming up. We have a few warm days forecast and then rain – if you… Continue reading
Today was the first day outside for this year’s chicks. With great excitement opened the chicken house door and… well nothing. I was ready with camera in hand (a rarity for me) but these were no divas. I think about half of the girls ended up having a quick look… Continue reading
I had really wanted to move the chickens into tractors so they could clean up the field, eating the spent vegetable plants, bug, grubs and weed seeds, and at the same time we would know where they were laying their eggs. It seemed ideal and totally fitting with our sustainable… Continue reading
2013 is our 10th year running our CSA. We started off very small with Karl still working off the farm, but in 2006 we went full time and haven’t looked back. 2013 shares are available now. If you sign up before January 1st we are guaranteeing you last year’s prices. After… Continue reading
We’re expecting a heavy frost tonight. Rather than wait until late morning for the crops to thaw out, we began harvesting this evening. The fancy light system is a Coleman propane lantern on an upside down 5 gallon bucket – it throws light a lot further than you might imagine…. Continue reading
I am supposed to be drawing up the final delivery routes. I promised Karl I would have them finished today, but I am going cross-eyed (and the new specs really don’t help, I am better off not wearing them at all). I am a bit of a tech geek but… Continue reading
We bought some huge round hay bales last week but the cows haven’t been very interested in eating them. People say you can feed cows a low quality hay, but ours are a little picky. We supplement with fresh vegetables from the farm and alfalfa and all sorts of treats,… Continue reading
Can you spot the skink? I don’t think I have ever seen quite such a colourful one before. His red throat should make him very popular with the ladies! Continue reading
That’s right. The 2011 spring/summer share season (try saying that three times quickly) begins on Tuesday. If you are a subscriber for this season and have not received an email from me this week, please check your spam filters and spam folders. If you still do not see mail from… Continue reading
Every time I set foot outside today, it rains. Well, perhaps that is an exaggeration – it did hail once and there was that thunderstorm. It is sunny again now (and thundering), but the drill needs recharging. Not the seed drill, though I can see why you might think that. This particular… Continue reading