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Oh, Wait, I did hear it! It was loud. The blue tarp is Jr’s car, he was very relieved to know there was no damage. For a while now I have wanted to build a hugelkultur bed and since the top of the pine tree fell very near to where… Continue reading
I think the pictures speak for themselves, but yesterday we checked the radicchio and they were looking very good. We planned to harvest them today. During the night deer executed a cunning raid and beat us to it. We cover the plants with row covers for protection from the cold,… Continue reading
There was an opinion piece in the New York Times this week entitled Don’t Let Your Children Grow Up to Be Farmers that I’m sure you have all seen. If it hasn’t been shared with you dozens of times via Facebook, twitter and email, it must be that you are… Continue reading
This is our first year growing Caraflex, or conehead as I call them, cabbages. They are a smaller cabbage than the Farao we usually grow and are supposed to be sweet and mild – perfect for summer. All the seed catalogues agree that this cabbage has good wrapper leaves for insect… Continue reading
This wonderful question showed up as a search term in our site stats and I thought I should answer it in case that viewer came back. The short answer is “probably” and the longer answer is “it’s complicated.” In general, hens begin to lay when between 18 and 22… Continue reading
This heat might spell the end for the snow peas, so if you had a recipe you were thinking of making, but hadn’t got around to yet, these might just be the peas to use. Last night’s rain has smooshed a lot of the blossoms on the peas – on… Continue reading
Sauerkraut is an easy way to prepare cabbage, all you need is cabbage, salt*, a bowl to mix it in, a container to store it in and a knife to chop it up. I use a cleaver because that is my preferred knife, but you can easily use a chef’s knife…. Continue reading
This wasn’t quite what I expected when I complained that I couldn’t get all three turtles in one picture, but I don’t think they minded too much. I think they were happy to be under the mulberry tree and away from the mower. On the way back in we noticed something… Continue reading
The little boy in this picture, so eagerly helping build the compost heaps on a beautiful sunny day in January turns 21 tomorrow! You may recognize him (probably not, but try imagining that sweet little boy with a mohawk) as your delivery boy for many years. He delivered with me… Continue reading
On occasion we unearth more than vegetables when we plow the field, but these items were all found deep in the herb garden. The large picture is of a reasonably heavy pulley, but the other two are my main fascination. A cobbler’s last and lasting stand. The lasting stand was… Continue reading